
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Desktop vs Laptop - Which is better?

There had always been some form of debate regarding getting a desktop or a laptop. There had even many calls to the IT support desks of various companies simply inquiring about this issue. It seems that people can't fully decide if they would want the ease, power, and reliability of a desktop or if they would go for the sleek, portability of the laptop.

If you are one of the people who is stuck in this kind of dilemma, then you would probably appreciate a list of the various sticking points that you should look into before you decide to get a laptop or a desktop.

Here is a short list of the qualities that you need to look into:


If you would want to have a more portable device, then laptops are definitely a much better choice than desktops. Because of their size and form factors, it would be much easier to lug around the laptop as compared with the desktop.

You should try to fit your work tasks to match your need. If you are on IT support and would need to go around the office to check on various issues, then perhaps a laptop is the better choice. However, if you are in a desk job and would just need to type out a few documents here and there, then a desktop may be sufficient.

Repairs and replacement parts:

Another factor when deciding between a desktop or a laptop is the ease of repairs or the replacement of parts. Usually, desktops are much easier to find replacement parts for as more PC repair shops would have the components available.

On the other hand, laptops would usually have their own dedicated stalls or shops if ever you would need computer repair services. You may have to call a specific company's IT Support hotline before you can get your computer serviced.


Lastly, you should consider the cost. A desktop vs. laptop comparison would often yield that for the same power, specifications and components, a desktop is significantly cheaper. This is primarily due to the cost associated with portability.

Another consideration with regards to cost would be the computer repair situations. As mentioned above, repairing a desktop is usually much cheaper and easier than having to fix a laptop.

However, if you would not be using the computer for power intensive purposes, then a laptop may eventually be more cost efficient as it may be able to save on electricity charges.

My internet is running slow - How To Speed it up quickly and easily Read more:

If your computer is running slow it can be very frustrating and annoying problem but there are steps that everyone can take to fix this problem. There is one problem though that many people run into and do not know what is causing it. If you find the internet is running slow but your computer is running fast there are some easy steps to resolve this problem quickly.

#1 Upgrade your network drivers

Nearly all computers these days connect via a DSL line. This requires the use of the network connection on your computer. If the drivers for your network card are out of date, corrupt or the wrong ones your internet connection can slow down dramatically.

The first thing you should do is to run windows update to see if there are any updated drivers for your network card. To do this go to the windows start menu and run windows update from there. If there are no updates go to the manufacturers site and check there. The last step if the drivers are current is to remove and reinstall them in case they have corrupted.

#2 Empty the cache and temporary internet files and data.

As you spend increasing amounts of timer on the internet your PC stores in its internet cache. As the amount of files increase your internet can slow right down and if any of these files are infected with malware it can cause real problems.

To get rid of these unwanted files do the following.

1. Start internet explorer.
2. Open the tools menu at the top of the screen and then go to internet options and delete browsing history.
3. Reset internet explorer.

#3 Set internet explorer back to its default settings. Over time settings change and these can result in your internet running slow. These settings can also be change by malware. Here is how to do this.

1. Start Internet explorer.
2. Go to tools, then options then go to the advanced tab.
3. Click on the reset advanced settings.

#4 Run a system optimizer and scanner

If you still find your internet connection running slow run a system optimizer and scanner which is designed to optimize all your settings for the best possible performance. This will scan windows and the registry for malware or spyware causing your problems and then stop then. Then it will optimize your computer to run faster and will help stop your internet running slow.

Tips to Fix Windows XP Shutdown Problem

You are done with your computing and click the Shut Down button. But it takes long time to complete the shutdown process. You are wondering what to do? Well, Windows XP slow shutdown is a very common problem and there are various reasons for which this problem occurs. It might be related to hardware or software. In order to fix the issue, first you need to find the root of the problem and deal with it accordingly. You can get help from a reliable operating system support provider to fix this issue.

If you find the slow shutdown problem is due to software, you can easily fix it. But if it happens due to hardware, then resolving it might not be that much simple. Given below are some of the useful tips to fix Windows XP shutdown problem.

In many cases, it is seen that the problem occurs due to bad sectors & file system damage. To cope with this problem, you need to run the 'Chkdsk' or 'Scandisk' function from the XP recovery CD. Alternatively, you can type the 'CHKDSK /R' command in command prompt for resolving this issue. To avoid slow shutdown problem, you must run defragmentation and CHKDSK function on a regular basis. They will help you to maintain good health of the hard drive.

Device driver problem is also another reason for which Windows XP shutdown problem occurs. Make sure all the device drivers are working properly. If you find any one of them is corrupted, it is strongly recommended to uninstall it. And then download and reinstall the driver. This will fix the issue.

Sometimes, due to systemic problems slow shutdown could occur. To deal with this problem, you can load the computer in the last known good configuration. There are other options as well. Load the Windows XP recovery disk and then run a system repair. All the corrupted or deleted files will be restored and it will solve the problem quite efficiently.

Have you uninstalled any program recently? If you find the Windows XP slow shutdown is occurring after installing the program, might be you haven't uninstalled the program properly. It is suggested to reinstall the program again and then go for a proper uninstall through control panel. The problem will be resolved.

Last but not the least, BIOS/CMOS settings problem may also lead to slow shutdown of your Windows XP computer. If you do any tampering with the BIOS and CMOS settings, then it might result a shutdown problem. In order to resolve the issue, you can take help from a computer repair expert. You may also try restoring the BIOS settings to default.

These are some useful tips to fix XP slow shutdown problem. You may consult a computer repair service provider for resolving any type of Windows XP related issues.

The Know-Hows Of Removing Malicious Spyware

You may not be able to work properly in your computer system, if there is spyware embedded in it. If you want your computer function as you would want it to, you must make all the efforts necessary to prevent your machine from being infected with malicious spyware. If there is the presence of spyware in your system, do not panic, but contact a San Francisco computer repair service soon.

Spyware can do damage to your computer by altering the programming of your operating system, decreasing the speed of your internet capability, and worst of all, stopping your system totally from functioning. All computer users must note that spyware is designed in a manner that makes it very difficult to get rid of them. It is quite common that users have to make several attempts to remove the spyware from their computer. San Francisco fix computer services can prove to be helpful. The users can also use the many programs as well as anti-spyware options that are available for removing spyware from their systems. This should take care of the computer and keep it at its functioning best.

Spyware creeping in through web activity

Most of the spyware gets on the computer when the user visits websites and reads emails. If a person wants to prevent his/her system from getting corrupted, then the user must refrain from opening websites which he/she is not familiar with. To be cautious, it will be wise not to open email attachments that unexpected; it does not matter even if the email attachment is form a friend of yours. Be extra careful, when the attachment has the .exe extension. This implies that the file in the attachment is an executable one and has the potential to cause more damage to your system.

Installing software packages

Having anti-virus software becomes essential for protecting a PC from the harmful programs. It is also true that there are many anti-virus programs which are ineffective in the detection of spyware. You will do best to rely on more than one program for detecting spyware; the spyware can corrupt an anti-spyware program in order to protect itself. Having many programs installed will mean that one program may catch a spyware that another program has failed to locate. The anti-spyware software programs that are installed must be updated on a regular basis and the system must also be scanned once in a while to keep it safe. San Francisco online tech help services can help you with scanning system and updating software programs.

Calling professionals for help

If all your attempts to remove spyware from your system has failed and you are on the verge of losing important data from your hard drive, you may contact the San Francisco hard drive recovery services. This should help you gain access to your important files. The user must provide details to the technicians on what problems the computer was facing and what steps were taken by you in fixing the issues. This should enable the technicians to serve you better.

Why So Many Gamers Are Debating What Is The Best Gaming Computer Today Read more:

If you are a gamer then you know how hot and heavy the debates can get when it comes to the big questions. Questions like what is the best gaming computer will always plague us because everyone seems to have a different answer. For some of us, we want an easy laptop that we can take anywhere to game with and others want a large command station style desktop machine. The real truth is that thebest gaming computers will be a source of debates for years to come. It is not very easy to get to the bottom line because it is different for every gamer. While you may want to have a totally custom machine that even features a unique decorative paint job, this may not be what the next guy is wanting. You have choices so it is best to consider all of them. In the end, what is the best gaming computer for one person due to price may be totally unlike what someone with a good bit of cash would be willing to settle for. Stick to your own personal values and you will end up a lot more happy with things. You are going to see as you look around that the world now has tons of choices out there for you.

One solution a lot of people forget is that they can actually get systems that are used which are still very powerful. Plenty of people will buy a brand new machine every time there is the tiniest jump in tech. These are definite answers to what is the best gaming computer question because they are very well made and extremely easy to use. If you want a terrific bargain on a great machine, this is one fantastic way to go. You can find excellent bargains here. Plus, you may want to build your own machine. When a lot of people ask you what is the best gaming computer they actually are asking which configuration of parts will give them the best machine. They know they want a power house, for instance, but they do not know what the best parts to build it with could be. Focus on your favorite aspect such as the speed of play, the number of accessories you can use or maybe having a huge screen. Get your priorities down and the rest is going to be simple for you.

Today you have a ton of choices for computers you can game with. Just focus on what gives you the best results and you will be a lot happier. You can definitely find plenty that is going to make your life a lot more fun because features abound and prices can be found that are lower than average if you check sellers online.

Speed up My Slow Computer - How To Make Your PC run Faster Today

Think your computer is getting too slow to work with? Well for most of us the computer has become a part of our lives. So when the computer freezes while you are working it is not only annoying but a great hindrance to your work as well. However you don't need to replace your computer each year or when it slows down. By carrying out some easy tasks I was easily able to improve the speed of my PC which is more than 5 years old. There are several reasons for computers becoming slow. Some of the most common causes are as follows for your computer running slow.

* Too many unwanted files
* Too many programs launching at startup
* Corrupted registry information
* Malicious software such as Trojans, Viruses and Spyware
* Unwanted fonts
* Improperly uninstalled programs

Other than the ones listed above many other things also contribute to the slowness of your system. Sometimes all you need to do is empty your recycle bin regularly to remove junk files. Also regularly remove the cookies and offline files. You can easily do it through the browser you are using.

If starting up takes a lot of time then it is a sure sign that too many startup programs are running. Just type in msconfig in the Run console. There you get the option to disable start up programs, don't hesitate to disable what you think is unimportant. However it is wise not to change settings of anti-virus programs to stop your computer running slow.

The other place which needs regular maintenance is your registries. Registries contain information about your preferences and about the programs you have installed. With time due to improper removal and closing of programs these registry entries become corrupted. All you need to do is use a registry cleaner to fix those registry issues.

However it is recommended that you go through the reviews thoroughly before selecting a registry cleaner. Also take the trouble to back up the system before you employ the registry cleaner. Then if something unfortunate happens you can always get the PC to the state which it was before. So if you are having issues with your computer running slow just follow these easy steps and squeeze some more life from your PC.

Mac Or Windows - Which Operating System Is Right For Me?

The Windows platform is considerably the more dominant operating system on the market these days, but does that make it better? Apple has a monopoly over the digital music world and has revolutionized the cell phone and tablet industries, but what about their computers? Are they actually relevant and deserve your attention? The short answer is ‘yes' – if you haven't done so before, you should consider a Mac as a sincere alternative.

Microsoft made itself a household name with DOS and Windows by allowing 3rd party companies to design software and hardware for their specific platform. This resulted in a flood of products for the Windows operating system, which provided their customers near unlimited customization and potential. However, there is a major drawback with too many developers creating too many products – most components are designed without each other in mind. The resulting incompatibilities cause system crashes, data loss and incessant headache. This was true especially in the beginning, but things have improved a bit as time has passed.

Apple took the completely opposite approach. Keeping all product development in-house, everything works extremely well together but the customer can suffer as the majority of software out there is not available on the Mac. Mainstream titles such as Quickbooks, Photoshop and even Microsoft Office are available in Mac versions, but chances are that less popular titles cannot be found. It is this fact that has kept Apple computers out of the majority of the homes in the US – a lack of the software prevalence that Microsoft enjoys. This is unfortunate – in this writer's humble opinion, Apple by far has the better operating system and user experience, an incredible success mitigated by a lack of accessory. Apple is also the platform of choice for the majority of professional graphic designers and video editors.

Microsoft has grown into its dominant position by combining a powerful operating system with an expansive software market. While Windows has wide applicability, it is inherently not as stable and as well refined as Apple's OS. As evidenced by their innovations in the music, cellular and tablet markets, Apple is a company of fresh thinkers and game changers; while Microsoft's recent history appears to reflect a modus operandi of assimilation and imitation. Buyers who are interested in a reliable and competitive alternative should definitely give Mac computers a second look.

Oh, and for the record, I am a Windows user, while my wife and brother-in-law are die-hard Apple fans.

Choose Mac or PC

One of the most common ongoing debates in the computer world is "Mac vs. PC." Macs, produced by Apple, have often been used in the design world, with the PC (running the Windows operating system) dominating most of the business world. When looking at the two for graphic design work, the focus is on the handling of graphics, color, and type, the availability of software, and overall ease of use.

The handling of graphics, color and type is a significant portion of a graphic designer's job. Because of Apple's long history of being the "designer's computer," they have focused on improving their handling of colors and fonts, especially when going from screen and file to print. If you had to choose between a Mac and a PC on this factor alone, Apple has the edge. However, the same results can be achieved on a PC. For web design, neither wins out, though be sure to have access to both operating systems to test your sites across all platforms.

Mac vs. PC Software

As far as graphic design is concerned, there is no significant difference in the software available for the Mac or PC. All of the major applications, including the Adobe Creative Suite, are developed for both platforms. Because the Mac is often considered the designer's computer, there are some handy tools and applications that are Mac-only. Overall, there is more software available for the PC, especially if you are focused on a particular industry, gaming or 3-D renderings (such as for architecture).

Ease of Use

Apple has clearly focused their operating system on ease of use, introducing new features with each release that improve the user experience. Their integration from application to application enables a clean workflow. While this is most apparent in their consumer applications such as iPhoto and iMovie, it continues through to professional tools and third-party products. While Microsoft has improved the user experience in the Windows operating system, I would give the edge to Apple on ease of use.

Mac vs. PC Conclusion

Generally, "Macs" are mentioned in the same sentence as "graphic design," and rightfully so for their excellent graphics and font capabilities, and ease of use. The drawback of the Apple used to be the price, but if you do want a Mac and are tight on budget consider the "consumer" level iMac, which is powerful enough for graphic design tasks, or a refurbished model. In the end, especially when starting out, you will probably do just as well with a PC. With some smart shopping you can get a powerful one for less money than a Mac, and you will be using the same design software… your creativity, and not the cost of your computer, will determine the outcome of your work.

Computer service tips

"Take good care of your PC, and it will take good care of you."

It's a nice sentiment, but reality is more like "Take good care of your PC, and it won't crash, lose your data, and cost you your job--probably." Follow these steps to stop PC problems before they stop you.

Your PC's two mortal enemies are heat and moisture. Excess heat accelerates the deterioration of the delicate circuits in your system. The most common causes of overheating are dust and dirt: Clogged vents and CPU cooling fans can keep heat-dissipating air from moving through the case, and even a thin coating of dust or dirt can raise the temperature of your machine's components.

Any grime, but especially the residue of cigarette smoke, can corrode exposed metal contacts. That's why it pays to keep your system clean, inside and out.

If your PC resides in a relatively clean, climate-controlled environment, an annual cleaning should be sufficient. But in most real-world locations, such as dusty offices or shop floors, your system may need a cleaning every few months.

All you need are lint-free wipes, a can of compressed air, a few drops of a mild cleaning solution such as Formula 409 or Simple Green in a bowl of water, and an antistatic wrist strap to protect your system when you clean inside the case.

Think Outside the Box

Before you get started cleaning, check around your PC for anything nearby that could raise its temperature (such as a heating duct or sunshine coming through a window). Also clear away anything that might fall on it or make it dirty, such as a bookcase or houseplants.

Always turn off and unplug the system before you clean any of its components. Never apply any liquid directly to a component. Spray or pour the liquid on a lint-free cloth, and wipe the PC with the cloth.

Clean the case: Wipe the case and clear its ventilation ports of any obstructions. Compressed air is great for this, but don't blow dust into the PC or its optical and floppy drives. Keep all cables firmly attached to their connectors on the case.

Maintain your mechanical mouse: When a nonoptical mouse gets dirty, the pointer moves erratically. Unscrew the ring on the bottom of the unit and remove the ball. Then scrape the accumulated gunk off the two plastic rollers that are set 90 degrees apart inside the ball's housing.

Keep a neat keyboard: Turn the keyboard upside down and shake it to clear the crumbs from between the keys. If that doesn't suffice, blast it (briefly) with compressed air. If your keys stick or your keyboard is really dirty, pry the keys off for easier cleaning. Computer shops have special tools for removing keys, but you can also pop them off by using two pencils with broken tips as jumbo tweezers--just be sure to use a soft touch.

Make your monitor sparkle: Wipe the monitor case and clear its vents of obstructions, without pushing dust into the unit. Clean the screen with a standard glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. If your monitor has a degauss button (look for a small magnet icon), push it to clear magnetic interference. Many LCDs can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol; check with your LCD manufacturer. Wipe your LCD lightly: The underlying glass is fragile.

Check your power protection: Reseat the cables plugged into your surge protector. Check the unit's warning indicator, if it has one. Surge protectors may power your PC even after being compromised by a voltage spike (making your system susceptible to a second spike). If your power protector doesn't have a warning indicator and your area suffers frequent power outages, replace it with one that has such an indicator and is UL 1449 certified.

Swipe your CD and DVD media: Gently wipe each disc with a moistened, soft cloth. Use a motion that starts at the center of the disc and then moves outward toward the edge. Never wipe a disc in a circular motion.

Behind the Popularity if Facebook Games

Games like FarmVille, Mafia Wars, Cafe World, Texas HoldEm Poker, FishVille, Happy Aquarium, Pet Society, and etcetera have become increasingly popular over the years among Facebook users. In fact, some people solely use the social network to play free games, even creating multiple accounts while spending endless hours on them to stay ahead others. Truly, it is remarkable how these online games can create such an addiction. This article discusses the reasons why Facebook games are so popular.

1. Free

Instead of needing to pay for good games, Facebook gives their users the opportunity to play free games that are just as fun. Although there are options for users to pay for the games for more advanced features, the games are usually sufficiently fun on its own.

2. Easily accessible

Unlike games that you need to buy and download onto your computer, Facebook games can be accessed easily as long as your computer has the flash application installed, and you can access your Facebook account. You can use a friend's computer, a computer at an Internet cafe or even in the office (if not blocked) – players can continue their progress of the game anytime they like.

3. Meet new people

The games on Facebook are very social-reliant games, where the more friends you have playing the same game as you are, the more chances you have to attain game items that will be useful for advancing in the game. Some people would purposely befriend other players from other parts of the world through the game so that they can share this benefit. With this fact, it is an opportunity for shy people to know more people while constantly keeping in touch to enable that win-win situation.

4. Stay competitive

Besides meeting new people, these games allow the players to stay competitive among one another. The game automatically tracks a player's progress and updates it in their system so friends who connect to the game will also be able to see other friends' levels. As this is so, players tend to want to outdo one another in the leader board, where the best players are usually much easier to access and help because they are the first ones you see on your game's friends list.

5. Short

Last but not least, these games do not take up much of your time (unless you want to). The game play is quite simple that you do not actually need to put in much concentration on. Some people might even multi-task with the game on because their full attention is really not needed. This makes it an excellent boredom-killer.

Why Online Okey Game is so popular?

Online games have influenced large number of people because of the fun and excitement it offers the players. Technology has made playing games in the comfort of your home and online rummy games gained its popularity because of the ease of playing and understanding the rules. Playing rummy online along with your friends and family is such an exciting experience. Okey, which is the popular Turkish rummy game, is offered by websites to play online and is widely chosen by numerous players because of the fun it offers. Okey is the traditional game of the Turkish and is being played by Turks since hundreds of years. The Turks use cards for playing, which is replaced with tiles in online Okey game. Understanding the rules and strategies of the game is so easy and can be played by four members at a time.

The basic requirements and rules for Okey is the same as that of normal rummy game and you find it easy to play online rather than in person. Several card games are available online for the players but Okey, being the latest online rummy game differs from the others in the variety entertainment it offers. People playing online rummy games looks for games with more fun every time because such games are played mostly for fun and not based on the skills of the players. The use of tiles of several colors with numbers printed on it is the interesting feature of this Turkish rummy game and this made Okey, the most preferred game of many players. Slight upgrade of the normal online rummy game is what the new Okey game is. This is what attracted millions of players to choose Okey as their favorite game.

Okey game, when played continuously increases your experience of playing online games and also allows you to participate in Okey tournaments, which enhances you skills and offers thrilling moments. Also this game offers the fun of playing with new opponents and helps you get connected with people worldwide. Lots of new games originate from a place, cross boundaries and get fame easily because of its entertainment features. Game lovers are interested in finding newer games and exploring the thrill and fun of those games. Okey is also getting popular because of the fun of playing with colorful cards and getting introduced to new playmates.

Websites offer the chance of playing Okey online with the help of tips and strategies it offers. Players who are familiar with the card games finds easy to play Okey game as this varies slightly from how this Turkish rummy game is played in reality. The tips and rules available on the websites offering online Okey game are of much use to the players. Confidence is what decides the success of the game and so is highly popular among people of all ages.

Types of Computer Hardware

Computer hardware is a physical part of a computer that executes within the hardware. It is unlike computer software or data that can be frequently changed, modified or erased on a computer. Computer hardware is not frequently changed and so is stored in hardware devices such as read only memory (ROM) where it is not readily changed.

Most computer hardware is embedded and so is not visible to normal users. Below are the different types of hardware's found in a computer.

Ø Motherboard: It is the central or primary circuit board making up a complex electronic system such as a computer. A motherboard is also known as a main board, logic board or system board.
Ø Central processing Unit: A CPU is the main component of a digital computer that interprets instructions and process data in computer programs.
Ø Random Access Memory: A RAM allows the stored data to be accessed in any order. RAM is considered as the main memory of the computer where the working area is used for displaying and manipulating data.
Ø Basic Input Output System: BIOS prepares the software programs to load, execute and control the computer.
Ø Power Supply: Power Supply supplies electrical energy to an output load or group of loads.
Ø Video Display Controller: It converts the logical representation of visual information into a signal that can be used as input for a display medium.
Ø Computer Bus: It is used to transfer data or power between computer components inside a computer or between computers.
Ø CD-ROM drive: It contains data accessible by a computer
Ø Floppy disk: It is a data storage device
Ø Zip Drive: It is a medium capacity removable disk storage system.
Ø Hard Disk: It is a non-volatile data storage system that stores data on a magnetic surface layered unto hard disk platters.